Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow, Snow & more Snow !

We have had quite a week of very cold temperatures and lots of snow! It all started a week ago and it came and went for a couple days, but it was very cold.  The later in the week it got, the colder it became, and the more the snow was falling. 

Earlier in the week we bundled up and went outside with Siena and let her check it out. She thought it was funny. She just kept smiling and laughing as it was snowing.  We made a snowball out of the powdery snow and let her hold it. She thought it was great. All she wanted to do was eat the snow, she held on to that snowball for as long as we were out there. Eventually it was getting too cold and we came inside. 

 Yesterday it snowed all day long, with lots of cold wind. When we woke up this morning, there was more snow (now totaling about 18 inches) with a big layer of ice covering everything because of the freezing rain in the middle of the night. It was very pretty, but we were definitely home bound today. Not sure if it will stick around to have a white Christmas


Dishwasher Fun

I know, I know, it has been way too long since I last updated this. But, time goes by too quickly, and before you know it, it has been a month (or longer).

Anyway, here are some recent pictures of Siena. I had to include a couple pictures of her hair that is finally growing a little, yay, Finally! It is slow but sure. If you get it just right, you can get a few curls in the back, so cute!

She is growing so fast and is trying to say all sorts of new things. Her favorite words are "oh, Hi", "up", "out" and "I see you"(when we're playing peek a boo).  Everyday she picks up a new word or two and is learning so fast. 

One of her new favorite things to do is to 'help' load/unload the dishwasher. 
She is very good about only touching her own silverware and will always take out the tupperware containers. She loves to take them out and then put them back in and then back out and so on.... I think she could play with the dishwasher all day if I let her. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bouncing on the PIg

Heres a video of Siena Bouncing on the Pig - She is having a great time!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Siena is Now Walking !

Here is some video of Siena walking - This was taken a couple weeks ago - She is now very steady on her feet, and can get around pretty fast! Watch Out!

Happy Halloween

We just celebrated Halloween - We had a big party at my parents house.  My brother Christopher & his family were here from Utah.  It was a big event - Mom made all sorts of fun halloween themed food and the kids had fun in their costumes.  Siena dressed up as a lady bug. She was the cutest ladybug I've ever seen (but of course I'm biased). 
 I was a little worried about her wearing her costume at all, because the week before I had tried to get her to put it on and get used to it, but she would have nothing to do with it.  She would  immediately pull it off and take off the headband.  But, when we got to my mom's house, there was so much going on and the other kids were around her, that she was fine with wearing it, she could have cared less, she ended up wearing it for over an hour with no problem. 

Siena's 1st Birthday !!

Siena celebrated her 1st Birthday on August 28th.  We were so fortunate to have both sets of grandparents here for the event.  My sister & her family and a few friends all came over for the party.  Siena was a bit overwhelmed, but overall she did pretty well.   She liked all of her gifts, but especially her new dolls.  She loves to carry them around and give them lots of hugs & kisses- it is so sweet.  She also loved her new pig chair (courtesy of grandma Baird, of course) - it is just her size.

We Have A Blog !!

We have decided to start a blog !   I think it will be a great way to keep in touch with family & friends , especially those who are not near us and who we want to share pictures with etc.  Our goal is to update it once a month, maybe more, maybe less - we'll see how it goes.  If you are a fellow blogger, please feel free to send us a link to your blog or send us a message etc. 
Hope you enjoy!